2021 : Ranunculus
A delicious combination of cotton cashmere held together with silky mohair. Light and lofty on 6mm needles. Gorgeous to wear and perfect trans-seasonal wardrobe addition.
Make one or two or three....

Craft : Knit
Pattern : Ranunculus by Midori Hirose (Knit Cafe Midori)
Yarn : Katia Concept Cotton Cashmere
Quantity / Colour : 3 balls col 55 Neutral
Yarn : Kremke Soul Wool Silky Kid
Quantity / Colour : 2 balls col 29 Camel
Needle : 6mm
Project Cost : $75 + Pattern $8.25
Notes : Knitted as per pattern just extra length. CO for smaller neckline with short sleeve option.
16cm from under arm opening to start of rib. 8cm rib.
Version 2 : Kremke Silky Kid 06-008 Olive with Katia Concept Cotton Cashmere 71 khaki Needed to dip into a 3rd ball of the Olive Kremke Silky Kid!