2023 : So Summer Shorts
Another summer knit from Jessie Maed. These are so fun. Love the waistband detail. Fingers crossed they will fit someone!

Craft : Knit
Pattern : So Summer Shorts by Jessie Maed Designs
Size : M -> S
Yarn (main) : Reborn DENIM uni (85% recycled denim 10% cotton 5% other fibres) by Kremke Soul Wool
Quantity / Colour : 4 balls col 141 Salmon
Needle : 3.5mm & 3.75mm
Project Cost : $39.6 + pattern $14
Notes :
14/3/23 The high rise style was not great for me. Decided to reknit body with reduced knit rounds. Summary : Cast on medium, hip increases and butt short rows for medium. Reduce rise by only knitting 1 round between increases and only increased to small size. No further knit rounds. Then onto separate legs and continued for small size.
1/3/23 I reduced the rise by an inch or so (-18ish knit rounds) however they are still very much high rise. Super comfortable. Would make a smaller size next time.